Women’s Ministry Outreach Meeting

April 2, 2023

11:00am – 12:00pm

Category: Women's Ministries | Coordinator: Sarita Forbes

Informational Meeting: Sunday 4/2/23 Room 604

The WCC women’s ministry has begun an outreach program and is looking for volunteers who are interested in participating in events such as a Choices Women's Clinic baby shower, Choices volunteering, and at the Christian Help foodbank and Redeemed thrift store. 

An informational meeting will be held on April 2 immediately after the Sunday church service in Rm 604 for all women interested in volunteering with us.

Our first event is hosting a baby shower on April 29 at Choices for a pregnant mom, who has been selected by the Choices Women’s clinic.

Please fill out the registration form to indicate your attendance at the April 2 meeting, your interest in volunteering for the different organizations and/or to provide donations in support of the event.