What's So Special About Singing?

Hi Church Family!

As I mentioned last week, it's my intent to regularly post a blog to share the songs we'll be singing each Sunday at WCC (I've created and attached a Spotify playlist below for that purpose!). And speaking of singing...

I have a question for you. 

Have you ever wondered, "What's so special about singing in church? Can't we worship God in other ways? After all, it's the heart that counts, right?For most of my life I would never think to ask such a question, but several years ago when I was visiting a state on the west coast I learned of a church movement that had traded in their corporate singing time for "painting time" instead. That's right. No more corporate singing. Just painting. Everyone was literally given a blank canvas and they painted to the glory of God. You might even be thinking right now, "Hey...that sounds kind of nice. Can we get on board with that?!" 

And don't misunderstand. It's true that we are called to worship God in all that we do (Colossians 3:17). Everything in our life- whether it be our relationships, family, career, talents (painting included!) is to be surrendered to the Lord as a living sacrifice unto Him (Romans 12:1-2). But when it comes to our corporate worship service on Sundays, regardless of the style, nothing should replace singing. Here's one reason why:

Scripture commands us to sing so that the Word might dwell in us richly.

Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." How incredible! When we worship God through singing with His people, He intends it to simultaneously encourage us by having His Word sink more deeply into our hearts. 

"When we worship God through singing with His people, He intends it to simultaneously encourage us by having His Word sink more deeply into our hearts."

Here's a real life example of what I'm talking about. A few years ago a buddy of mine told me he felt led to memorize the lyrics of the old hymn "A Mighty Fortress is our God" (which was written by Martin Luther in the 1520s). My friend later told me that after memorizing the hymn he felt as if he'd given himself a gift. Every day on his way to work, instead of feeling the weight of driving to a job he didn't love- he'd just belt out all the verses of A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD. Trust me. I know him. It probably didn't sound pretty by any worldly standard!  But you know what, the truth of God's Word dwelled more richly in him because of it. And when he belted out the song with us in corporate worship we were greatly admonished and encouraged by his passion and gusto. Everytime we sang that song and I could hear him I felt as if a brother were preaching (or BELTING!) the Gospel to me! Who knows... perhaps Martin Luther would approve of the phrase "BELT the Gospel to yourself every day!" :-)

I truly look forward to worshiping with you each Sunday! I pray that the Word might dwell in you more richly as you learn these songs... AND... that we would all feel the admonishment and encouragement of "Belting the Gospel" to one another during our time of worship. 

Much love in Jesus,

Jeffrey Hoy (Director of Worship Arts at Willow Creek Church)