Wednesdays @ Willow - 6 Week Session 9/18/24 – 10/23/24 from 6pm - 8pm
Wednesdays @ Willow (W@W) is our midweek ministry for the entire church family. We offer pizza ($1 per slice cash/check) at 6pm followed by gatherings for all ages.
Adult Offerings 6:30pm
Women’s Bible Study - Cultivating The Fruit of the Spirit: Growing in Christlikeness by Christopher J. H. Wright. This study will explore the person of the Holy Spirit and how His character can transform us to be more like Christ in our actions and relationships. Our goal is to be rooted in Scripture and to grow in community as a result of our time studying God's Word together. Purchase book here.I encourage you to order the book before the start of class. Question? Contact Morganne Gelinas-
Men’s Bible Study – We will be studying Proverbs: Wisdom for Life with Jason Nuwayhid our new Pastoral Intern. No book needed.
Parenting – Co-ed Bible Study Habits of the Household: Practicing the story of God in everyday family rhythms. Watch the trailer HERE. We will discuss practical ways to engage with your family spiritually in simple ways that are structured around every day routines. Book needed for class: Habits of the Household by Justin Earley
Children & Youth Offerings
- Nursery
- Children’s Bible Study available for K-5th NOTE: Parents are encouraged to participate in a class and are expected to stay on campus.
- Student Ministry – Meets in the Chapel at 6pm. Check student events calendar HERE. Questions? Contact Parents are encouraged to participate in a class.
- High School students can participate in an adult offering or they can volunteer to assist in the children’s ministry and will receive community hours