Women's Morning Bible Study Fall '24

Saints and Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus by Nancy Guthrie
Thursday mornings (9:30-11:30)  Sept 5th - Nov 14th
LOCATION: The Chapel at Willow Creek
Childcare available with reservation by August 22nd
All needed materials for this study will be provided, at no cost. Participants will receive a personal study guide during the first meeting. There is a companion book to this study (pictured), but it is optional. Much of the content of the book will be covered in the video series. If you wish to purchase a book, you can visit https://www.nancyguthrie.com/saints-scoundrels for purchasing options. 
Each week, we will enjoy discussion time and video teaching sessions by Nancy Guthrie. 
The story of Jesus in the Gospels includes all kinds of interesting people—some who claimed to be saints but proved to be scoundrels, as well as scoundrels who were transformed into saints. Saints and Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus provides a fresh look into what shaped and motivated people such as John the Baptist, Peter, the Pharisees, Zacchaeus, Judas, Caiaphas, Barabbas, Stephen, and Paul. Each of their stories help us to see the generous grace of Jesus toward the worst of sinners more clearly.
For more information contact: Jessie Hoy at jessiehoy@gmail.com or 321-261-9315
**If your contact information has changed, please update your info below and check the small box on the bottom right hand side.