
Every Friday until May 3, 2024

6:30pm – 8:30pm

Category: Children's Ministries | Coordinator: Patrick O'Connor

Awana registration is full.  

Awana Calendar '23 - '24 HERE


What is AWANA?

AWANA is an international Children and Youth ministry made up of thousands of clubs in 134 countries around the world. Here at Willow Creek, we have been blessed to host one of these clubs for the past 18 years! AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Our goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him.

AWANA caters to children from ages 3 to 12th grade, fostering scripture memorization, practical application learning, engaging games, and achievement rewards. The younger clubs emphasize memory and application, while the youth clubs concentrate on in-depth study, practical application, and completing the Bible within a 4-year span.

Kids find AWANA fun because it offers a mix of engaging elements. They get to hear intriguing Bible stories, play exciting games, and work on memorizing Bible verses and handbook tasks. These efforts lead to earning awards, like badges and shares for the AWANA store. The program also introduces a point system that promotes friendly competition among older participants, adding a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment.



Registration opens each year in early August and is open until the clubs fill up, or until the end of September, whichever happens first.

Cost per child is $70 and is almost all-inclusive. It covers registration, books, uniform, awards, all events, and club supplies. If paying online by debit or credit card, the registration fee is $73.00 which includes a service fee of $3.00. Scholarships are available, please reach out to AWANA leadership.

We need YOU!
Whatever your gifts, talents or time commitment, Awana has a role for you. Whether it is encouragement, listening, organizing, teaching, singing, crafts, drama, puppets, games, record keeping, or just a helpful heart- we can use you in this worthwhile ministry! You will need to meet the requirements for serving in our Children’s Ministry at Willow Creek which includes an application, background check, and training. If you are interested in serving in the Awana ministry, just let the Awana Commander know and we will get you involved! No previous experience is required! You can serve every week, every other week, once per month, whatever fits your schedule.

More Information
Contact email:
If you want to learn more about awana as a whole:
Awana website: For more information
Awana Youth Ministries website: More content for Trek and Journey
Awana at Willow Creek Facebook page:

More Events

February 23, 2025 8:30am – 9:45am
Communicants Class