The following partners are able to provide professional counsel, aid, and point people to appropriate and helpful resources. We are grateful for God’s provision of our ministry partners and seek to support them financially, with prayer, and with volunteers as they are needed.
Christian Help
Christian Help desires to see God honored by providing for the vocational, material and spiritual needs of those who are unemployed and actively seeking employment. They are also able to provide temporary relief from underemployment by supplying a food pantry, clothing, and a Christmas store during the holiday season.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Jim Irwin.
Sharing Center
The Sharing Center provides a wide range of services include financial help with shelter, utilities, transportation and costs for prescription medicines and other medical aids, as well as food, clothing and referrals for financial counseling, family counseling, job training, medical assistance and other aid “outside the norm” to help keep a family functioning. The majority of their clients are among the “working poor,” whose paychecks won’t stretch to cover emergencies. The Sharing Center has need for individuals who would be able to help “case manage” their clients. Experience is helpful and this would be a perfect volunteer opportunity for several WC members who have degrees in social work. Donations of household items are always welcome and volunteers are needed to help receive, sort, and sell items in their retail store.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Jim Irwin.