Congregational Meeting Recap from 02/28/2021

Every year, our church holds a congregational meeting. This is in accordance with our Book of Church Order (BCO), which states: Whenever it may seem for the best interests of the church that a congregational meeting should be held, the Session shall call such meeting and give public notice of at least one week. No business shall be transacted at such meeting except what is stated in the notice.
This year, we have already held 2 congregational meetings. There is a lot happening at Willow Creek Church, between the Covid pandemic, death of Jeff Smith, moving of Pastor Kevin Labby and family, among the top of the list, a lot of difficult things have transpired. However, a lot of great things have occurred in the past 12 months as well including... adding worship director Jeffrey Hoy, technical director Ryan Carter, nursery director Martha Buot, preschool director Ellen Geer, & facilities manager Brian Scholl to the staff.
Additionally, our student ministry has grown, our livestream video service has been improved, we added a morning prayer time on Facebook live, children and adults were baptized, over 30 individuals joined our church in membership, and we ended ahead of our budget due to the generosity of our members (just to name a few things!)
1st Thessalonians 5 says- Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. We rejoice, in God's grace and mercy that has been demonstrated to our church this past year.
Here's what we covered in our latest congregational meeting:
1. Ruling Elder Dave Cross served as the meeting clerk, Teacher Elder Drew Taylor served as the meeting moderator.
2. After opening with prayer, we announced the following elders and deacons would serve their next 3 year term. (At WCC, for the health and well-being of our ruling elders, deacons, and women's ministry leaders... we have them serve 3 year terms. Each person can serve two, 3 year terms, then is asked to take at least a year off before potentially returning.) Serving 3 year terms beginning in 2021 include: Ruling Elder Dave Cross, Ruling Elder Ray Kirby, Ruling Elder Dwayne Williams, Deacon Pierre Bourque, Deacon Gregg Johnson, Deacon Andy Pearson, Deacon Rick Rienecker.
The congregation also also voted and approved Rob Elliott to be brought back on as a Deacon.
3. Budget update by Ruling Elder Scott Howard & Deacon Brian Sinn. A summary included: $42,000 was added to our reserves. We have now met our church goal of holding $250,000 in reserves. (One of the primary motivations in keeping this would be to meet our insurance deductible and the possibility of replacing multiple a/c units in the coming year.) Our mortgage debt has been reduced to under $5 million dollars!
Giving in 2020 exceeded our proposed budget by $12,000! Even with Covid, financial health was stable.
4. Pastoral Search Committee Update: Co-Chair & Ruling Elder Ryan Johnson shared that we have hired the consultant firm McGowan & Associates to help us in our pastoral search. This team is coming to Willow Creek Church the weekend of March 5-7 in order to observe, speak to, and advise many of our core members, elders, deacons, and staff. They will work with our pastoral search committee, to help educate and inspire them to do their very best in the work of finding the right man to lead this church. Please pray for our committee! You can check out the work of McGowan & Associates here-
Thank you so much for your care and support for our church. Praying for you! You are loved!
-Pastor of Member Care & Connections Drew Taylor
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