Pastor Drew's 2022 Ministry Goals
It's January 18th, 2022. There are seemingly a million things to do! My guess is that your "to-do list" continues to expand. That is certainly the case for me. Yet, for the glory of God, and the good of Willow Creek Church, I'm going to focus on 3 things that I have been called to do (because as many have seen, I like to make lists of 3 primary things.)
Mission and goal setting, comes directly from Jesus. (I'm not saying that if you fail to set goals or lay out a personal mission that you aren't following Jesus.) But Jesus himself, clearly made his personal mission public. John 6:38- For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
John 18:37- Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”
Luke 4:43- But He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.”
Jesus made it abundantly clear that his mission was to point people to God through his clear communication of who God is in his words and actions. Ultimately, he pointed people to God through himself, as he was indeed fully God and fully man, Lord & King of all.
My personal aims in 2022 are much lower. I, like you, am equally dependent on my need to live for and worship Jesus as my Lord and King. In that recognition, I desire to see others live for and worship King Jesus in these 3 ways:
1. Connect: Pastor Greg recently shared with our staff that many view Christianity through the lens of needing to first "behave" (clean yourself up in order to walk into church) then "believe" in what is being shared, then you'll finally "belong." This is NOT the Gospel! Over and over again, the reality of the Gospel is that we are first called to recognize that we "belong" then we "believe" and only after being connected and a part of God's family, do we joyfully live to "behave."
My hope in 2022, is to see individuals and families come to WCC and truly feel as if they belong. First impressions, answering questions, follow-up conversations, corporate worship, Discover new members class, Wednesdays@Willow, church-wide events, small groups, intentionally praying together. These are just a few of the ways that we at WCC desire to see people find commuinty in order to "discover" that they do indeed belong and matter.
2. Care: This past year has been incredibly challenging with Covid not only affecting many people, but also effecting the way in which we are able to care for those in our midst. With the assistance of Heidi Bolt, Sam Martorana, Gino Parisi, Sarita & Rob Forbes, Mike Haas, and COUNTLESS others, my goal is to see our church really come alongside its own. This includes meal distribution, 1 on 1 conversations, distribution of our deacons fund offering, much prayer, sitting with those who are hurting, and celebrating with those who are filled with joy.
My goal for 2022 is to see MANY in our church personally commit their time, talent, and treasure to "mourn with those who mourn" and point others to the God who provides "peace that surpasses all understanding."
3. Community: Location, Location, Location. Willow Creek Church is located right at the intersection of Casselberry & Winter Springs. As I look out my office window, I see cars driving to and from both of these fine cities. As such, it is my goal to see the people of Willow Creek Church look outward and see these 2 communities as our mission field. When asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Basically, Jesus shares that you and I are called to love those in our immediate presence. Not those who ONLY look like us, vote like us, drive cars like us, live in neighborhoods like us, participate in the same activities as us, cheer for the same teams as us, etc...
My goal for 2022 is to regularly connect individuals with opportunities to "serve their neighbors." Perhaps it's with yard work, mentoring children, bringing a meal, serving with Christian Help, the Sharing Center, Choices Women's Clinic, helping someone pack to move homes... I desire to see us "love others as we have been so greatly loved by Jesus."
So there you have it. Pastor Drew's primary focus and goals for 2022. Connections, Care, Community. Come be a part. God's got big things ahead for you, and for Willow Creek Church. To God be the glory!
We exist to glorify God by declaring and demonstrating the power of the gospel of Jesus, inviting people to discover and deepen their relationship with Jesus.
More in Drew Taylor's Blog
January 18, 2022
Pastor Drew's 2022 Ministry GoalsSeptember 30, 2021
Willow Creek Church Children's Worship PhilosophySeptember 16, 2021
Member & Staff Highlight: Cheryl Aspesi